Gift Packaging Options
Customize the packaging. Select one gift box or multiple gift boxes per order. It's your LAGOS, your way. All free with purchase.
Separate gift box and pouch per item.
A single gift box for entire order. Each item packaged separately in a pouch.

Here to Help

From advice on caring for your LAGOS
jewelry to help choosing the perfect gift,
our experts are pleased to assist
you in any way.

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The Glamourai LAGOS Jewelry MY LAGOS MY WAY Kelly Framel

Image Courtesy of The Glamouri

It’s time we put the spotlight on one of our style icons—Kelly Framel. Based in New York, Kelly is the Creative Director and Editor of the lifestyle blog, The Glamourai. Kelly boldly experiments with her personal style through inspirational editorials with edgy aesthetics. In her words, “Through it all, I’ve found personal style to be an incredibly powerful tool, and I’ve learned a lot about who I am and the kind of woman I want to be.” Kelly embodies the LAGOS women; she is empowered and has the confidence to create her own signature style.


Stay tuned for an upcoming partnership with The Glamourai!