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This week we have a multi-talented guest writer sharing some very valuable details onwhat the tag line #MyLAGOSMyWay means. Elizabeth is the Senior Social Media Manager. Read on for her insights.

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LAGOS is a company of jewelry lovers. I am a self-proclaimed jewelry enthusiast who asked for jewelry at every milestone for myself. I love having a collection that sparks memories and conversation. So, when I first started working at LAGOS (almost 3 years ago!) I was obviously eager to be a part of something that was already meaningful in my life.

One of the perks of working at LAGOS is getting to wear the jewelry. Trying to select those pieces was both fun and overwhelming.  In my excitement, I ended up picking some of the most sumptuous (if more impractical) large gemstone pieces and really enjoying styling them.

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One question I love to ask new employees is what pieces they are going try on and style. Those selections are a great way to see the interpretation of our company message: My LAGOS My Way.  With such a large collection of styles, seeing each person’s personality come through in what they select and style is truly fun.

Everyone has reasons for what they choose. Some swear by only sterling silver while others are all about mixing, and it is a great way to see our collections styled together in unique ways.  The best are the employees who have been with LAGOS for many years, they have some of the most fun pieces from years of collecting.

As I have gotten more familiar with the collections, I have chosen pieces that are easy to wear every day. I love simple 18K gold styles, saving the chic gemstone cocktail rings for the day we will get to dress up again.

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About the Author

Elizabeth Tremble

Elizabeth Tremble

Senior Social Media Manager

Elizabeth is an enthusiastic marketing professional who loves all things luxury and is the Senior Social Media Manager at LAGOS. When she isn’t admiring the latest collections she enjoys running, shopping, cooking and a great cheeseburger. 

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